Saturday, December 8, 2012

Smokey Pokey - Review #10

Welcome back everybody to a long needed, and hopefully awaited addition of the Oklahoma Breakfast Beat!  I apologize for the lack of new breakfast material over the last month, it has been quite the whirlwind and I'm honestly not sure what happened to November.

To get us back on track, BJ and I were joined by Mike this morning and headed to the Smokey Pokey at the intersection of Highway 51 and I-35.  For lack of a better term, it isn't anymore than a pit stop along the side of the road that claims to have the largest Beer Barn in the state, and is basically a gas station with a restaurant attached.  If this place didn't exist, the area would be nothing more than THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE!  I had heard a while back that the Smokey served breakfast, but it had taken a while for us to make it out that way to try it, and after trying it I'm quite sad it took us so long to get out there.

Sorry for the quality of the pic, I thought it came out better.
Known more for it's BBQ, none of us had particularly high expectations when we walked in at 8am this morning (yes, late for us!). The first thing that stood out was the prices, which for the supposed amount of food described on the menu was dirt cheap.  Only $5 for 2 eggs, sausage, hash browns, and toast.

Yes, BJ ate all this!
We all agreed that the hashbrowns were by far the best part of the meal, and probably the best ones we've had on our breakfast tour. The were crispy, but not overdone and had a great seasoning.  The sausage was very good with just enough spice and flavor.  I don't usually like ham very much, but I tried a piece of Mike's and it was excellent, at least as ham goes. BJ felt that his pancakes were average at best, though they looked promising at the beginning!  And as usual eggs are eggs, and toast is toast.

This was my amazing breakfast!
 And overall.......

Food: 4.5 of 5 pancakes
Cost: $ (out of 5)
Overall: 4.5 of 5 cups of coffee

Amazingly, and very surprisingly this may have been the best place we've been to yet when you factor in the cost.  The amount of quality food for the $$$ was pretty amazing and the hash browns were definitely far above almost everywhere else we've been. If I have time, I plan on blogging about some of the breakfasts I had during my recent trip to Seattle that included a smoked salmon eggs benedict.........very yummy!  If not, next week we'll continue our journey to find the best breakfast in Oklahoma!

Until next time keep on eating breakfast, and remember never to judge a book by it's cover!

The outside of the restaurant, on the left hand side in the picture below

The gas station/restaurant in all it's glory! Looking north in this picture, I-35 is just to the left.