Saturday, August 18, 2012

Ice House Bar and Grill - Breakfast Review #2

It's another early Saturday morning and time for our second official breakfast review.  This morning we made our second visit to the Ice House Bar and Grill.  The Ice House is located on highway 51 approximately 5 miles east of Stillwater, 2 miles past Fairgrounds Road. It's in a rather non-descript building and looks like it's been around, well, forever.  I've never gone in the evenings, but it's been described to me by multiple people as the "rough" bar in town.  The first time BJ and I went here about 6 weeks ago we learned that it's where the strippers from the local club frequent after they are done for the night, so hopefully that provides some perspective on where we were at. 

Today BJ and I were joined by Greg and Mike which made for a nice addition.  When you walk into Ice House you walk in, sit at the bar and are greeted by Bob, a quiet, but friendly, chain smoking old man.  Today there were a few other regulars having their first cup of coffee and morning smoke. Compared to last week we did have real plates and utensils rather than those of the plastic variety. The coffee was plentiful, but Bob said he was aggressive in pushing for refills so that he could make a fresh pot because this was leftover from yesterday! 

I had my usual, sausage, hashbrowns, eggs over easy and wheat toast which was actually pretty good.  I particularly like the sausage which has a decent amount of spice (3.5 out of 5 pancakes).  Greg had almost the identical meal except with biscuits and gravy and gave it a solid rating of (3.5 out of 5 pancakes).   BJ went for the pancakes and eggs, which he was disappointed with as he said the pancakes were on the dry side (2.5 out of 5 pancakes).  I didn't get to ask Mike about his food, but I think he was just happy that he could get a large tomato juice with ice!

Overall, the Icehouse is a different kind of place.  The ambiance hurts for the nonsmokers, but there is something to sitting around a bar and getting day old coffee with your breakfast.  The price is reasonable, although nothing can compare to last weeks meal at the Cimarron Casino when it comes to price.  I would go back again, but going with the sausage and eggs maybe the way to go, and be prepared for the smoke. 

Food: 3 of 5 pancakes
Cost: $$$ (out of 5)
Overall: 3 of 5 cups of coffee

Until next week, when it looks like we will be heading to the oldest cafe in Oklahoma, the Kumback Lunch Cafe in Perry!

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