Monday, October 15, 2012

Grammy's Grill - Review #9

Well it's time again for another breakfast review from this past Saturday morning's outing.  This week BJ had recommended we try the Stonewolf casino out at the intersection of the Cimarron turnpike and highway 18 between Pawnee and Glencoe.   He had eaten at their $5 breakfast buffet numerous times before and figured it was worth us trying out.  Well we got out to to the casino at about 7:30 and it turns out that they no longer serve breakfast.

We were at a bit of a loss of what to do.  The choices were a relatively new place in Pawnee that BJ had tried on the way to his farm, but he wasn't very impressed by, but that we hadn't written about or to a known and trusted entity, the previously highly rated Morrison Cafe.  For the sake of keeping the blog fresh, we decided to head to Pawnee. 

Pawnee is a a town a lot like Perry that at one time was a bustling little country town with a vibrant town square, car dealerships and a local rodeo.  Now, like so many other small towns it is slowly dying with empty storefronts far outnumbering those that are occupied. A sad remembrance of former Main St. America.  I had been to Pawnee several times before, all to eat at an amazing and long-lived steakhouse called Click's, definitely a place to try!

The side of the restuarant.
A new place had recently opened up in town called Grammy's in an old building where they hadn't even bothered to take down the sign of the previous establishment.  Yes, we have now gone to Granny's and Grammy's in back to back weeks.  It was a somewhat unusual place that was a cross between a fast food restaurant and a sit-down restaurant.  As you walk in there is a counter where you order your meal like you would at any McDonald's or Dairy Queen.  They give you your coffee and water at the counter and then you go find a seat up in the dining room where they thing bring you your food and refill your coffee. It was just a different way of running a restaurant.
The sign from the last restaurant.
Overall the service was decent and the coffee was good, but most importantly it was plentiful and refreshed regularly! This is an important feature that will be highlighted more in the next blog (California Special Edition #1).  BJ got his regular pancakes and eggs, and much to his surprise they were quite good with all the requisite fluffiness required! Overall, BJ gave his a strong 4 out of 5.

BJ's pancake and eggs.
I got my usual eggs overeasy, hashbrowns, wheat toast and sausage.  The sausage was quite good, with a good taste and met the appropriate spiciness levels.  As always the eggs were good.  It's really hard to screw up eggs, and in my opinion if you can't cook eggs you shouldn't be in the breakfast business.  Today though, the hashbrowns were the disappointment.  They weren't horrible by any means, but they were a little to heavy on the grease and lacked the necessary crispiness as a result.  Overall, I would give mine a 3.5 out of 5. 
My sausage hashbrowns, eggs and toast. Note the lack of crispiness in the hashbrowns.
 And overall.......

Food: 3.5 of 5 pancakes
Cost: $$ (out of 5)
Overall: 3.5 of 5 cups of coffee

Surprisingly, based on BJ's previous experience, this was good, slightly above average breakfast.  On a price level it was excellent, only $13 or so for the two of us.  The pancakes were above average and on my end the sausage was definitely the highlight. Although its a slightly unusual atmosphere dominated by Lonestars on the wall, lots of exceptionally large fellow diners it would  be worth going to again.  Pancakes and sausage definitely maybe the way to go here. 

The greater Pawnee downtown!

I will be in California for two weeks and I plan on doing some special editions from out west, the first of which will be Wren's Cafe in Vacaville that David and I went to after he picked me up at the airport.  Stay tuned!

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