Saturday, January 12, 2013

Red Rock Bakery - Review #11

Well it has been a month since the last post, and that is far to long.  We've actually been to a couple of places during that time and I've basically been to lazy to get them written up.  So either I will have to do it by memory or heaven forbid we'll just have to try them again.  Luckily they were pretty darn good places, Katie's Diner in Guthrie, Jalopy's in Perkins, and surprisingly pancakes and sausage at Applebee's for a Boy Scout fundraiser last Saturday!

This morning though we went to Red Rock Bakery in Stillwater which was a bit of a change of pace for us.  Traditionally Red Rock has only been a bakery in the mornings providing what some would say are the best donuts and pastries in town, but recently they've added a more significant breakfast menu that includes egg scrambles, sausage/bacon biscuits and the more traditional biscuits and gravy. Most of my experience has been going there for lunch though as they do excellent soup, salad and sandwiches, the highlight of which is the sandwich bread which is fresh, warm and phenomenal!

The outside with drive-thru window!
With a relatively limited no pastry breakfast menu BJ and I ended up getting the same thing, the Red Rock Scramble with Biscuits and Gravy, and coffee.  The Red Rock scramble is essentially scrambled eggs mixed with thickly diced deli ham and cheese.  Somewhat surprisingly it was the highlight of the meal.  While it wasn't great it did have a decent taste especially when topped with a little bit of pepper, but overall it was barely something to write home about.

The Red Rock Scramble.

I think we both expected the highlight to be the biscuits and gravy for two reasons.  The first was that they are what was recommended to me by some friends as being really good, and second we expected Red Rock to be able to make some killer biscuits since their forte` is baking.  Sadly we were both disappointed as the biscuits were soft, but extremely doughy and the gravy while decent lacked any kind of significant flavor or zestiness (is that a word??).

The oh so doughy biscuits and gravy!

The highlight was definitely the coffee because although you poured your own, you had 6 different flavors to choose from which was a really nice treat.  They also kept to the breakfast mantra of making the coffee unlimited which was a good choice on their part.

And overall.......

Food: 2.5 of 5 pancakes
Cost: $$$$ (out of 5 - more dollar signs = more expensive)
Overall: 2 of 5 cups of coffee

I think this was by far the  most disappointing breakfast we've had since we started the blog.  The food just wasn't all that impressive, and although the choice of coffee flavors attempted to save them it wasn't enough.  Also, the quality and quantity of food wasn't very good considering the almost $8 price.  I would much rather drive 15 miles out to the Smokey Pokey and get a real breakfast for $6 than do this again.  Sometimes a place should really just stick to what they are good at rather than try and expand their menu.  There definitely is no question that they have great pastries and that their sandwiches at lunch are top notch, but we wouldn't recommend Red Rock for their breakfast menu.

The beauty of this blog though is that we have to take the good with the bad, and it's really all about experimentation and trying new things.  Until next time, keep on eating breakfast!

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