Sunday, September 2, 2012

Homestead Family Restaurant - Review #4

Time for the second review of the weekend.  Yesterday's breakfast adventures took us to the oil town of Cushing.  Cushing lacks the old town charm of Perry and never makes you wonder how nice it once might have been.  It is essentially a giant strip mall developed in a time before there were strip malls.  It essentially has two restaurants, the first of which we tried yesterday morning, the Homestead Family Restaurant. 

When we got to the restaurant the parking lot was full, always a good omen, even in a town with only two restaurants.  As we parked a large, middle-aged man, on a bicycle wearing a t-shirt that looked like he hadn't taken it off in a couple of years road up to the back of the restaurant, and BJ commented that he had probably gotten a DUI a couple weeks earlier and couldn't drive to get breakfast anymore.  Nevertheless, he sat down in a chair outside the back of the restaurant with one of the cooks or waitress.  I guess he's a regular.

The Homstead has been around since 1953 and was founded by one of the founding family's in the area.  It is clean and has a good decor with pictures of the original family on the walls, and the menu tells the story of how the restaurant got started.

The service definitely left something to be desired.  Our waitress was more concerned with talking on the phone than  with serving us.  The coffee was good and was refilled regularly by the other waitresses.  Both BJ and I ordered our usual.  I had the sausage, hasbrowns, toast and eggs, and BJ had his pancakes and eggs.  The eggs were fine, and the hashbrowns weren't bad, but the sausage definitely left quite a bit to be desired.  Both by the relatively bland taste and the shape (as you can see in the picture) these appeared to be be frozen patties just heated up on the grill.  The originality was definitely lacking.  BJ said his pancakes were good, but definitely not the best he's had recently. 

And overall...............
Food: 3.5 of 5 pancakes
Cost: $$$ (out of 5)
Overall: 3 of 5 cups of coffee

The food itself was decent and the ambiance good.  However, the service was average at the very best and it was a bit more expensive for less quality than we've gotten the past couple of weeks.  Next week the journey will continue somewhere, location still to be determined.  Until next time keep on eating breakfast!

 The town of Cushing on the drive out!

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